We’re a family of seven and we love camping, hiking, games, and spending time together! We’re headed out on a westbound summer adventure and invite you to follow along on our blog and our Instagram page.

As a family, we often long for a simpler life; a life less focused on acquisition of what’s tangible and more honed on cultivating sincere gratitude and meaningful relationships. We believe we’re here (living this life) for purposes much greater than our own comfort and well-being . We pray that this journey will allow us to “zoom out” and encounter a bigger picture of God’s love and kindness without the distractions of acquiring, caring for and in a way, “worshipping” our material possessions. We expect to come to two conclusions at the end of this summer roadtrip: 1. We appreciate our physical possessions more than ever and are driven to better care for them, give thanks for them and share them. 2. We will be amazed at God’s daily provision and how little we actually NEED to be fulfilled and happy walking in His will. We’ll keep you updated as we intentionally monitor our hearts on these specifics.

SO…. we’re packing up the Chevy, leaving Nashville, and heading West for two months! We’ve got a couple of tents, a few fun reservations, a backpack of clothes and our hiking shoes. Our starting point will be Chicago, the eastern on ramp for Route 66. We plan to follow the original route as much as possible (veering off in Arizona to catch the Grand Canyon) fueled by peanut butter, beef jerky and beans. We’ll take Route 66 allllllll the way (all 2448 miles) to the Santa Monica pier in California. The rest of the trip is a little less established at this point but we plan to take a northern route back through the Tetons, Yellowstone and the Dakotas. We hope to have you along for the ride!

We are creating this blog for family and friends to follow along, but happily welcome new friends as well! Please feel free to ask questions, comment and engage with us in the comments section! The kids will participate through posting blogs from their perspective and Meg (“Mom” – trippin’ with kids) and Craig (“Dad” – holding down the home-front near Nashville and flying in to meet family occasionally) will also post regularly.

Thanks for joining us! #trippinonadream here we come!!!

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14 thoughts on “We be trippin’!

  1. Aaaaahhhhhh! I am so freaking excited! I cannot wait to read every single post!


    1. Eeeeek! I know! Me too! Do you guys have Yellowstone dates yet??? Really looking forward to our potential co-camping!

  2. You guys are some of our favorite people. I am so excited you are letting us in on your adventures this summer we can’t wait to see where you take us and teach us along the way!

  3. This is so exciting!! We are thrilled to be able to follow along with you in this way. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us! Praying for safety and pleasant weather.

    1. Hey Anna, thank you! So glad you’re following along! I keep meaning to call you when we pause for a moment. I’ll try to remember today.

  4. So happy for y’all!! Can’t wait to read about all the adventures!

  5. How did you guys get 2 months off?? What an adventure. Always wanted to travel Route 66….

    1. Hey Bill! As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t get 2 months off. I’m going to pop in an out and meet them. I’ll be out there for about 10 days coming up soon. Hopefully I’ll get another long trip in later as well. I can’t wait to get out there!

  6. Yay! I’m so excited for y’all! Looking forward to reading all about your adventure and God’s teaching along the way. Love y’all and will miss you!

  7. Thank you for sharing fun! The trip is so enjoyable with u. Thanks for taking all of us along! Fun day ahead! Love

  8. Pops66 a place u don’t want to miss. Very unusual drinks!! Hope they were good and how about that candy? Be careful as you continue this trip!! We had fun matching the drinks ! Love

    Continue on!

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